Scorcher, Wretch 32 and Logan Sama showed up on day two of Vice Kills Barcelona. I didn't really see them during the day because they arrived quite late. They were funny to hang out with though. Wretch tried to say I'd given his mixtape a bad review (which he was totally cool about) but I was sure I hadn't even reviewed it, and I checked when I got back and I was right. Hold tight me.
Logan, Scorcher and Wretch got kicked out of their hotel the morning of their flight (which was at 9 PM that night) so spent most of the day sat in McDonald's with their suitcases. They then went and did a bit of shopping before we all headed to the airport. We were at the airport for ages 'cos the flight was delayed, and every time one of the MCs got lost, they'd shout "sho'" really loudly and wait for someone to reply. It worked really well - I'm gonna try it out next time I lose my parents in the supermarket.
So yeah, when we got on the plane, Wretch started pretending he was really terrified of flying - like, he was shaking and stuff and pretending he was gonna faint. He then got a sick bag and pretended he was going to be sick as we were taking off and he kept slumping on me like he was ready to puke all over me. I was seriously regretting sitting next to him and wanted to move seats, but then he suddenly switched and was normal again. It turned out he had been taking the piss all along. Seriously, if there's a part in the next Dubplate Drama for an MC who is terrified of flying, Wretch should definitely get the part.
Btw, in case you get confused, Wretch and Scorcher are pretending to be one another in the film above. They were messing about quite a lot.
Scorcher took the camera and did a bit of filming, but mostly used it to film girls. He also did this great film of the plane taking off with his commentary on what was happening, but it's kinda ruined because it was way too dark outside to see anything.
Somebody buy scorcher a new pair of fila..
Big post. Looks like a fun time had by all.
Wiley's retiring?!
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