Dear Dr P-Hall,
I don't know if you've heard but Boris is now looking to geeky Jewish youth movements to tackle the problem of knife crime. Imagine little Hampstead Garden Suburb kids going to inner city schools to talk to kids about putting away their knives. Should be interesting.
Who's jessica?
Suppose it makes a change from the illiterate ex drug dealers and dolescum that mostly comprise community youth groups
"I was inna bad way til I got shanked six times over a quarter of skunk and then I thought 'nah boi you can't go on like this'"
Gotta love how conservatives compulsively want to outsource security whereas liberals go micromanaging nanny.
What? The only mentoring experience Boris has is playing "soggy biscuit" with older etonians. I think the only reason he was kind of 'lovable' before was that what he said didn't really matter...
simple bt effective, all you need to do to sort out knife crime is give every teen in london wealthy parents from st johns wood
Your sex is on fire
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