Sorry to keep harking on about the Wiley and God's Gift beef. I think it's one of the most interesting things to happen in grime all year, but maybe that's just me. I've just been given Wiley's dub for God's Gift. Richard doesn't even spit, he just talks for four minutes. As far as I know, only DJ Scratcha has played this on the radio. Logan didn't even have it when I spoke to him earlier.
MP3: Wiley dub for God's Gift

Also, I don't know if anyone has heard that Wiley has made four full tunes entitled "Judgement Day" where he just talks about everyone in the scene. Logan won't play them on Kiss FM. I'll try to get them for you.
big up Prancehall on the dub from wiley..
your nang if you get dem "judgement day" tunes..
whats happening 4 new years?
I get an error message. Would you re-up? Please?
hahah does that even qualify as a dub? i kno other ppl have done it before but ... i wanna hear bars
biggup on the exclusive tho
is this wileys way of getting people interested in his album? cos outside of the 50 users on rwd, no one is gonna care about this. still he seems to enjoy winding people up, so good luck to him, kinda immature tho, i cant lie
Wileys too much, tunnel vision after tunnel vision, hes a machine no one can ever be on wileys level.. i dunno why they even try tooooooo......
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