While Bono is trying to save the world, and Wiley is trying to take on the world, all Kano is worried about is that you get home safely. If you're wondering what I'm talking about, I'm referring to the news that Kano has shown support for Cabwise, the campaign which encourages Londoners to text to receive the numbers of licensed minicabs in the area they are texting from. Kano said: "Before you go out you should plan how you're getting home and when you're out look out for your mates."
Real talk.
You're definately right about the worst mixtape of the year although i reckon L Man's Impatiently Waiting was equally bad.
check out halloween ghetto on that first pic!
LOLLL that jammer video is solid gold
but wow you really hate Narstie. I thought the puffs was a big look myself. He looks like a giant teddy bear - its a lot!
this blog takes an hour to load.... make the pictures smaller guy
^^ get broadband innit.
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