
I'm not a wasteman

rah tid cuz, Dubplate Drama is too deep. What do I choose? A or B? That programme has changed my life. Worst, yet best television programme ever? It's like Urban Hollyoaks. Although, I've only seen about 1 episode on TV, so I have to watch the highlights of the episodes online. I swear I should be in the next series (get in contact). The blogging scene needs to be represented too. We could do a sketch where me, Riko and Logan discuss how to moderate comments on our blogs or something like that. Seriously, guys, get in contact.

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Also, I've had an idea of doing a grime remake of Peep Show. I could put on a few pounds and grow my hair a bit, then i could play Mark. I've pretty much got his voice anyway. I was thinking Logan Sama could play my best pal, Jez. Scratchy could be Superhands. I can't think of any more characters, but Chantelle Fiddy would be in there somewhere too. She could play my girlfriend Sophie or maybe Big Suze.

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Anonymous said...

you have blown the (semi) secret that is peep show now bare idiots are gonna be watching it and referencing it in grime lyrics

Anonymous said...

it's super hans. not hands. i used to think that, you know, when i was a wasteman.