Dirty Canvas
Friday 4th November
Ruff Sqwad
Tiny Prancer
80 - 82 Whitechapel High Street
London E1 7QX
Aldgate East
3 pounds / 2 pounds for concs and advanced bookings or pay on the door.
Ruff Sqwad will be on stage from about 9-10.30. I'll be playing Grime and maybe a bit of dubstep and dancehall. I'm thinking I'll need a catchphrase now that I'm making POWER MOVES. I'll need to throw it in on the voiceovers on all the mixtapes I'm sure I'll soon be making. Maybe something like: I don't have any specials, but in school the other kids thought I was special"
Come along and support the scene etc. Leave your skengs on the bus.
Hmmmmmmm, Interesting!!!!
big it up, i will be flashing multiple cell phones and lighters. WHEEEL
weirdest grime crowd ever
thought i was at a dissensus/vice magazine convention
big set though from prancehall
ruff sqwad were too big
their dj was a bit shoddy though at times, didnt seem to know how to mix or cue things up too well and maybe cos of technical problems, i dunno, but ruff sqwad werent always in sync, or they seemed to go a bit off beat
still big though
when roachie from roll deep came on though, it was too hectic
one wasteman from their crew had a turn on the mic but he had a shit flow
during that bit, when they were going off over all day long (i think that was the one) the dj broke up the flow by changing the beat just when it was getting too hype, that was waste - grime djs dont know how to keep the vibe going sometimes, i swear. slimzee would never do that
anyone know what tune it was that stryder and one other MC in the crew were going back to forth over accapella? that was too big
it was definitely a good night. was quite weird to have everyone sitting along the wall in front of me while i was djing.
one of the decks didn't have a slipmat, the needle kept jumping and the decks didn't keep time and the cd player kept skipping - that's why dj scholar sounded a bit dodgy, but it honestly wasn't his fault. i only managed to get about 3 records mixed in time.
not sure about the record, but they played 'move 2 dis' just before the cd player broke i think.
The accappella they did is on Logans rinse sessions cd (it says 'i think i know him' or something, probobably has a few names). Was big that they did it though.
Big evening! The dancehall you selected were spot on.
What was up with that swaggish promoter and his introduction?
And that crowd? So wrong.
yeah i was dying during that speech. this night wasn't advertised on the rinse or rwd forums; kind of elitist 'especially for the bloggers' publicity policy. an event like this doesn't really increase grime's visibility, as it just caters for total initiates. And dorky initiates at that.
anyhow ruff sqwad were got on admirably with what they were provided, but the equipment was a mess. no slipmats wtf? more people from rinse fm forum etc and y'know the 'normal channels' would let the budget include some remotely decent equipment.
That was a fun night. Very much enjoyed your selections, Prancehall.
Can't believe it wasn't advertised on the RWD forums though, that's crazy.
yeah the funny thing was that the promoter was on dissensus complaining that the gallery werent doing much promotion but all he had to do was put a post up on the rwd forum and things would have been sorted. or maybe, just maybe, they didnt really want the kids there.
i dont think the crowd was 'wrong' although i did find it quite amusing that it was such a posh/white/indie/trendy crowd, its cool, i mean, nothing wrong with people outside grimes 'core' audience getting into it. this just seemed like a way for them to enjoy grime without coming into contact with the 'core' audience though.
it was funny seeing just who all the people who post on dissensus really are. i bet most of them and the bloggers and co were more at ease knowing it would just be their lot in the crowd and no 'danger' of standing shoulder to shoulder with the lower classes. its alright though, it happens all the time with all types of people - 'i like the music, dont particularly like or even KNOW the people, even though i am probably slumming it in some area of dalston, but even then, i still dont know anyone who isnt white'.
i thought the promoter was alright, hes into the music, what more do you want? it was funny when he said 'riddims' though. i felt like he was introducing some weird animal species, the way he was carrying on'. 'were very lucky to have these people here, for you to look at, and marvel at, and obserrrrrrrvvveee'
god on him for putting on this night though - it was kinda weird but kinda great seeing grime in a gallery environment. quite the paradox. plus its not like theres a ton of grime gigs on at the moment is there?
why are people talking shit about the promoter? what was so bad about him? the hair? the beard? the seemingly emo-ness? what did you lot want? someone who came on and uttered cliches? 'WHITECHAPEL GALLERY, I WANT YOU TO MAKE SOME FUCKING NOISE FOR THE MUCKIEST SHOW YOURE EVER GONNA SEE IN THIS PLACE!'
well ok, that might have been better (wasnt so cliched after all)
indeed there aren't a ton of grime gigs going on, and i wouldn't like to discourage anyone from putting one on. But i don't think this event was up to scratch in both philosophy and execution.
the event was cool ruff sqwad repped. Check out ruff sqwad pics + Crazy titch, JME .. at www.styleslut.blogspot.com.
The night's philosophy is kinda misrepresented here - it certainly wasn't the aim to promote a night exclusively to middle class bloggers. The night WAS promoted at the RWD Forum (also made overtones to get an advert in RWD print), fliers were put in Uptown and Rythmn Division (Sparky help book RS). The aim was for a much more mixed crowd but yeah the execution didn't happen, but you live and learn !....and anyway you cats shouldn't feel soo guilty about being in the company yourself!
As for the little ramble masquerading as an intro - yeah point taken - it's not really in my repertoire and will have to find someone else to do next time (believe me I did try this time).
Anyhow thanks for coming down and for the more positive encouragement - hopefully more to follow
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