Guess what? Roll Deep have just gone and released the best grime mixtape ever made. Seriously, Rules & Regulations really is that good. We're taking pretty much flawless from start to finish. No cheese (thank God), all grime. I just got the CD on Tuesday night so give me a couple of days and I'll put up a full review. I was gonna play an hour of Aidonia tracks at DO IT! on Thursday, but now I think I'm just gonna play the whole CD from start to finish.
Btw, did anyone hear The Movement on Westwood? Seriously, what the fuck were they up to that night? They sounded really shit for some reason. Maybe it was the hip hop beats or the lack of mixing, but it was embarrassing. They were amazing on Logan's show a few weeks before so I don't know what was happening.
I've just come back from S.K.I.T.Z. Beatz's house. He's playing at DO IT! tomorrow (well, later on today considering it's now after midnight). He will be playing with Brazen and Tempa T (who has just been added to the lineup). Check back in a few days for a full interview with S.K.I.T.Z. I've also got an interview with Kano tomorrow. I found out he's definitely in that Def Jam computer game, but Sov isn't (thank you God, once again).
This is what you'll be missing out on if you don't come to my night.

I'm playing two dates in Barcelona next week. The first night, I'm DJing with Jammer and Faction G on mic, and on the second night Logan will be performing with Scorcher and Wretch 32, so I'll be keeping it low key with a dancehall set or something. I'm still trying to decide who I'm going to sit next to on the plane across.
sit next to uffie and ask if she'll show you her tits.
really? i kind of expected it to be shit, even if the stuff they played on radio was good. nice one, i can risk ordering it now.
BLOODY FUCKING HELL, grime in Barcelona? I am there. Any idea about who plays at what time, when it starts etc.? Free? Guest list? Lots of questions?
Ride or Die Chick is a little cheesy but at least it's not Shake a Leg.
I really like how Respect Us and Penpals promote such positive messages. And Racist People, but heard that before.
The conscious tip is what really gives grime MCs the upper hand over American rappers... well, also, the vocabulary, eloquence, intelligence, creativity, and of course beats worth listening to. But keeping it conscious is what most impresses us in Canada... same goes for our homegrown MCs.
Ghetto et al might sound nice on the mic, but they don't ever seem to have anything worth saying... and the Movement constantly seems to be lusting after rap beats. If they really wanna board that sinking ship, I guess they can, but I wish they'd do something worthwhile.
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